How design can impact student learning

Just like the workplace, the design of a classroom can significantly affect the productivity and creativity of students. A classroom needs to set the right tone for learning. Some studies have revealed certain design parameters had a significant impact on student learning.

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In 2013, the University of Salford in England along with architects Nightingale Associates conducted a 12-month pilot study. They wanted to determine if classroom design affected student learning. The study assessed 34 classrooms across 7 schools in Blackpool. Factors such as lighting, noise levels, orientation, temperature and air quality were quantified for each classroom. A range of design attributes, such as the flexibility of the space, available storage, and colour schemes was also studied. Additionally, a parallel dataset relating to the academic progress of each of the 751 pupils was developed. The progress and performance in reading, writing and maths over a year for every pupil was collected and analysed. In their report, the research team determined the academic performance of a child in the best environment was 25% better than an equivalent child in the “poorest” classroom environment.

The following six design parameters had the most powerful impact on student learning:


The quality of furniture including ergonomic tables and chairs and interesting designs to support the students feeling of ownership to the classroom. OLP’s workstations offer the perfect solution for schools, with each design offering a degree of flexibility. Each design covers a wide range of student needs and can be customised to best fit the environment.


How well a classroom could accommodate pupils without crowding them in addition to how easily furniture could be moved and rearranged for activities and teaching approaches. OLP makes storage simple with its range of storage cabinets, mobile shelving and locker solutions. All these can be implemented into classroom environments to store educational resources while saving on space, ensuring there is plenty of room for students and activities.


Clean and clear corridors, quick access to classrooms and wide and clear pathways. OLP’s lockers and Snughooks can be used to store items, keeping them off the ground.


Providing an ample amount of visual stimulation through colour on walls, floors and furniture. Warmer colour for younger students and cooler for older students. Customised colours can be applied to a selection of OLP products.


Fresh and unique surroundings. OLP’s products can be colour customised and designed with unique perforation patterns for an interesting look.


The quality and quantity of natural light affect students’ level of learning. There should be some degree of control with the level of lighting.

Ensuring all schools facilities are prepared and ready for students is a must. Looking to design a better and more inspiring classroom design? Get in touch with us to find out how OLP’s product range meets the standards of today’s typical classroom environment.